A volume in 3D space which can be filled with cells. Regions defined at the tab Regions can be also used for specifying bounding regions for selecting cells, for example:
- To selectively apply stimulations to a subset of cells, either inside or outside a given region, via tab Input/Output
- To select a subset of cells in a 3D network visualisation. Select Select many... in the drop down box for Cell Number.
- To select a subset of cells to analyse (e.g. to generate a rasterplot for) when a previous simulation is reloaded.
Regions can also be used for:
- Defining extent in 3D of axonal arbours for use in Volume Based Connections. These can be added in the single cell 3D view when a segment is being edited (select function in drop down box)
In the current version of neuroConstruct, these can be
- Rectangular boxes (i.e. cuboids): where the width, height and depth are specified, along with the location of one of the lower corners
- Spheres: the centre point and the radius are specified
- Cylinders: the centre points of the base and top are specified, as is the radius
- Cones: the centre points of the base and apex are specified, as is the base radius
neuroConstruct can be extended (at the source code level) to include more complex 3D Regions, e.g. folium like constructs, etc. by extending the Java class Region.